Saturday, December 26, 2009

merry christmas. ^^

--- Its Jumong. :D

Dec. 24, 2009... Happy Birthday Lolo ! :D We LOOVE YOU ! :) ~~RIP.

We went to our lola ( father side ) to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Manuel Sto. Domingo Prudente Sr, my grandfather. The whole Prudente clan is complete. Even the siblings of my lolo. So, we arrived there at around 11:30am. We ate lunch and discuss some matters. :) After that, We went to the third floor of the house to have fun some. We played stop dance, trip to jerusalem and so on... But ofcourse I am just watching them. :)) Nwei, I met my second cousins. :)) They are Selena, Arianna, Miggy, Marius. ^^ They dont speak in tagalog so we need to adjust and speak in english. :) I am truly happy to meet them. :)


My cousins ( Aquino~ Paura) arrived. They traveled for 8 to 9 hours. We prepared the foods. I made a buko pandan. :D So yummy ! Kuya fried the chicken, Ate Maja cooked spaghetti. Yum yum yum ! Fooodsss! :p I should control in eating so many because I promised to myself that I wont eat to much. :) haha. *ehem* So, I didn't break my promise.

It's Christmas !

We shared the foods and even stories. After that we open the gifts. Waa. Unexpectedly, I received the gift that I wrote in my wishlist. :) A jewelry box. hahaha ! SAAYA ! :) I will truly treasure it. ^^ :)


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